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3 Retirement Mistakes To Avoid At A New Job

Planning for retirement is most likely the last thing on your mind when starting a new job. While it is easy to push aside your financial plan, the choices you make early in your career could set you up for success. Here are 3 retirement mistakes to avoid at a new job. Retirement Mistake 1:   Not having a financial plan …

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4 Money Saving Apps You Should Know About

4 Money Saving Apps You Should Know About Whether you are looking for help building a budget, or simply searching for ways to save, these money saving apps are a great start. Mint This money-saving app is ideal for tracking your spending and getting smart about your money. You can connect each of your accounts, including credit cards and monthly …

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2019 Winter Newsletter

Be sure to let the staff know if you would like to be added to our mailing list and receive a copy. Download the digital version by CLICKING HERE. 

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Memories and Meatloaf

Childhood memories consist of many things and for every individual those memories can be very different from one another. Throwing a ball back and forth with your father, reading books with your mother, riding bikes well past dark, and for some, fishing in an old rickety boat at 4:00am with grandpa are such memories that bring so much joy.  Mother’s …

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Don’t Be Normal

Recently, on our Facebook page, we asked the question ‘Do you think saving for retirement is important?’. Based on our responses the answer was a resounding ‘yes.’ The harder question to answer is why then, according to the most recent data, are anywhere from 75-80% of people between ages 40 and 60 totally unprepared for retirement? I believe the answer, …

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The Surprising Stresses of Retirement

We have recently had several clients retire. One of the fascinating aspects of this job is seeing how various people react to retirement. I used to be ignorant in assuming everyone would be excited about retirement. As far as I am concerned, although I absolutely love what I do, I cannot wait to have more time to pursue hobbies and …

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Welcome to 2019 What Matters Most?

My, how time flies! As we imagined 2019 from 30, 40, or 50 years ago we always thought we would see flying cars! Instead, we have drones that annoy us and smartphones that rule our lives. There have been many positive developments over the past 2 or 3 years. We are very happy with the economic results we are seeing, …

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7 Steps to Forming a Budget

Creating a budget can be an overwhelming experience. Whether you are looking to start a personal budget or get a better grasp at managing your money, start with these seven steps. Know how much you make. The first step in forming a budget is to calculate your income. Take a pencil and paper and write down your net income for …

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4 Ways to Save and Not Over Spend This Holiday Season

Holiday expenses add up quickly. Putting too much money toward the season could hinder your savings plan. Follow these 4 easy ways to save, and not over spend, this holiday season. 1.     Make a list and check it twice. Before heading out to purchase gifts make a list of who you want to buy for. Be sure to include new …

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2018 Summer Newsletter

Be sure to let the staff know if you would like to be added to our mailing list and receive a copy. Download the digital version by CLICKING HERE.